
Red wine
spilled across the painted canvas.
 Periwinkle pillows
were laced with pink ribbons.

The backs of Asian elephants
faded from black to grey,
the further back they nestled.

As the sun said farewell
to the man in the moon,
Twilight flew over the land,
dragging her onyx dress
behind her.

Like a shadow,
it followed her every move.
She had a beauty mark
just above the right corner
of her mouth.

It shined alone
for a moment,
until the sequins on her dress
sparkled so bright
that her perfect freckle
was lost.

I watched the night
like a hawk on a hare.
I studied it’s breed.
Hoping the mermaid of the sky
would show herself
if just for a moment.

Her silver tail
splashing through the starlit sea,
was the last memory
I had of her.
But she didn’t appear this night.
Maybe tomorrow.
Nothing was ever as it seemed
when Twilight came to visit.

Monsters towered over me,
their long wrinkled fingers,
as if to take me with them.

They were barren and old,
stripped by October’s vengeful hand.


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